Kjetil Skaugset

Kjetil Skaugset presentation card 2023

TEDxArendal 2023 talk:

Picture a world with endless energy! Fusion energy isn’t just a futuristic idea anymore – it’s set to arrive in just a few years. Kjetil Skaugset, the genius driving Equinor’s fusion research, is coming to TEDxArendal to share knowledge about a planet-friendly, everlasting power source, free from waste and emissions. Don’t miss Kjetil’s electrifying talk!

Speaker Bio:

Dr. Kjetil Skaugset holds a PhD degree in Marine Structures/Hydrodynamics/Cybernetics from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), 2003. He has worked as a postdoc at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT.

Since starting in Statoil/Equinor 2005, he has had various leadership and professional roles ranging from research and development, field development, venture and business development, project- and line management.

Skaugset has also held the corporate technical authority position as chief researcher in Equinor for 7 years. He has been heading up Fusion Energy in Equinor for more than 4 years.

Kjetil is a corporate senior advisor in Equinor across value chains. In addition, he is an adjunct professor at NTNU in Trondheim.