Why you should attend

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How It Works

​TEDxArendal has successfully amazed, surprised and entertained our guests with an intense happening lasting from noon till midnight.


Three main segments

The majority of our speakers perform from the stage in Store Torungen. Each talk and each segment vary in lenght, but always keeping in mind the value and elements of TED – Technology, Entertainment and Design.


A break is not a break

We pride ourselves in creating an experience also between the speaker segments. With great help from our sponsors, we aim to create an environment where you can learn even more, try out some new technology or just be social with old and new friends.


A social networking scene

Sure, in addition to being entertained from the comfort of your seat in Store Torungen, a very important part of the event is the social aspect of it. We invite all our guests to our “Dine Around”, which takes the event outside and to our much-esteemed eateries in town. With tons of new knowledge and inspiration, we are convinced you all are gonna master the art of small talk with your newfound friends!

Last year’s tickets went fast and sold out months before the event!

What are you waiting for? Secure your tickets today and

  • be amazed
  • be entertained
  • be educated